Friday, June 3, 2011

Introduction To Tracing E-mails Full Tutorial

This Tutorials Is Only For Educational Purpose If Misused i am Not Responsible.

1. Are You Being Blackmailed or Threatened through e-mail for large amount of money?
2. Are your employees, partners or alliances receiving foul e-mails that are hampering your day-to-day business activities?

Most modern days Internet Users use standard e-mail clients (Like Outlook Express, Microsoft Outlook, Eudora Pro, Opera Etc.) to send and receive e-mail messages on the Internet. Such e-mail clients are not only very quick and easy to use, but also provide users with a variety of useful features.E-mail clients make it very easy for one to turn a blind eye to the inner working of e-mails systems. However, understanding how e-mail system work is extremely important if one actually wants to be able to solve email related threats.
It is extremely important for Internet Users To Understand How E-mails travel on the Internet. Unless one becomes familiar with the working of e-mail systems, it is impossible to counter such threats.

All Email Communication on the Internet Is Governed by rules and regulations laid by two different Protocols:-
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP Port 25)
Post Office Protocol (POP Port 110).

Basically, The e-mail system is quite analogous to that of snail mail. Each time an e-mail has to be sent, the sender connects to a local mail server (Post Office) and uses predefined SMTP Commands to create and send the email. This local mail server then uses the SMTP protocol to route the E-mail through several other interim mail servers, until the e-mail Finally reaches the destination mail server (Post Office). The recipient of the E-mail Then Connects to Destination post office server to download the received e-mail using predefined POP Commands.
The SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) is used to send e-mails, while the POP protocol is used to receive them.
To recapitulate, each e-mail on the internet originates at the sender post office server (With the help of SMTP Commands), is routed via a number of interim mail servers and then finally reaches the destination post office where the receiver uses POP commands to download it to the local system.

Sender Outbox –> Source Mail Server –> Interim Mail Server –> Destination Mail Server –> Destination Inbox

This Organized and predictable nature of E-mail means that one could possibly identify the source of an e-mail by simply reverse engineering the path traveled by it. each Time an e-mail is sent on the internet, it not only carries the message body, but also transmits relevant information on the path taken by it. This Information is known as the e-mail Header of the e-mail. Hence, when one receives an abusive e-mail one need not simply delete it helplessly but explore for its source.

Click Here For Full tutorial

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