Thursday, June 2, 2011

Five Common Mistakes Adsense Internet Marketers Make

Hello Friends I am Gaurav Garg (Full Time Blogger) And Also The owner Of A Ethical Hacking Tutorials Website . In this article i am telling about the money making online.
Money Making Online is not easy as you think but if you follow some simple steps than you can easily make money online using Adsense and other money making system.
In this tutorial i am telling about the 5 common mistakes made by Adsense internet marketers.

A large part of making the maximum amount of adsense revenue from Google is ranking high in its search engine for specific keywords. You find a keyword you like, build a website around it, get it to page one of Google for that keyword, put some adsense code on your website and watch the money trickle in on a daily basis. That is how it is done.

In order to do this you will need to spend a significant amount of time building links to your website. No matter if you build them via link exchanges, article writing, directory submissions or forum commenting you will need a vast array of links to achieve your goal. I have personally found that if you devote at least an hour a day to building links you will make a lot of money with the adsense program. In addition, I have also found that if you make your website as high quality as you possibly can, and this involves doing research on the topic you are talking about, you will eventually get links from other places without even trying.

Nevertheless, there five things I have been noticing people do that shoot themselves in the foot. The following actions will actually set you back several months, possibly years from achieving your financial goals when it comes to making Google adsense revenue. Look them over and do not repeat the mistakes I, and many others, have made.

Not Varying Anchor Text Enough

By far this is the biggest “no no.” Out of all the things I did wrong in the beginning this was the biggest one. You need to make your linking profile seem natural. You cannot put the same keyword phrase in your anchor text every single time. You will get sand boxed quickly and depending on the term and how many links you built you may never get out of it.

Some people vary their anchor text but not enough. When I say change your anchor text, I really mean it! Put in totally unrelated terms as well like “click here,” “check this out,” find out by clicking here” or just “here.”

If you are trying to rank for the word “house” then make your anchor text home, residential, living quarter, houses, residences and so forth.

Check the back links of some websites who rank for really juicy words and you will find out that their keyword phrase in less than 10% of their total link profile.

Building Links Too Quick For a New Website

Google knows when you are the one building links. They are not dumb. Your typical person knows nothing about SEO. When you have a brand new website just work on the site itself and build quality content for it. Do not go on a massive link building spree.

How long should you wait? In my professional opinion I say three months. In some cases I would say to wait a little longer.

You have to make the whole process look as natural as possible and typically natural links do not immediately start coming into a website for a while. Who would link to a brand new website with no authority?

This is the reason why Internet marketers who have been in the game for a while spend several hundred dollars to buy aged websites. They can start building massive amounts of links to them immediately without having to wait several months.

Just work on your content and get your website exactly how you want it during the first three months. Do not worry about link building for a while.

Keyword Stuffing Their Website

Do not go crazy on your keywords. The standard is 8% but I disagree with that number. I think the number is a little higher. Personally, when you have a site that you want to make adsense revenue from you need to insert your keyword in their as many times as you can as long as it will seem natural. Try not to have it in every paragraph though. If you place it twice in one block of text skip two blocks before you place it again. There is a balance that needs to be had.

Getting Links from Non Related Websites or Chasing PR

I would prefer a link from a related website with a page rank of 1 than a link from another website with a page rank of 5. Chasing page rank will not help your website get to the top of Google. Its all about relevance. The more related the website you get the link from, the more it will help you.

Making Crap Content With No Benefit to Anyone

I added this one last. When I first created this post I only had four things in mind but when I thought it over I made the decision this was important as well.

To make a decent living from Google adsense revenue you need to invest the time to make quality content. There is no way on getting around it. Putting spam content on your site will get you nowhere in the long run. If you want to go that route you might as well turn to Black Hat SEO and go the full distance.

Research your topic, become familiar with it and write long posts about it that will benefit the person reading it. Try to give your posts you best effort. They do not have to be perfect but you should put thought into them.

That is why happened to me and without me knowing I have gotten some good websites to link to me without even trying.

*Update March 3, 2011*

Creating low quality content will not benefit Internet marketers like it did before. Large article directories like Ezine, Hubpages, Squiddo, Buzzle, Article Base, Associated Content and many others have been hit hard by the latest Google algorithm change. Some people have called it the “Farmer Update” and others have named it the “Mayday Update.” Regardless of what you call it the result is still the same: the Big G is cracking down on splog content.

You are running a huge risk of loosing everything if you duplicate content, produce posts that present no real value or have spam websites that do not benefit anyone but yourself. Google loves articles, does mind your website having a lot of them but you need to make sure that its worth reading.

Hopefully you have taken notes on everything I have written. There are other smaller things I have seen but the five things I just mentioned are the major ones that keep many Internet marketers from making money with adsense. I made a lot of those mistakes myself. Many things will just have to come via trial and error. The key is learning from them and not repeating them over and over again. Check out some of my other posts about making Google adsense revenue if you need more help and feel free to come back and check for new updates.

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